A dry channel through which water flows intermittently and irregularly. Kind of like this blog.

My art is an infectious need for me, sometimes a burden but most often a blessing.

This blog is about me and my obsessions, my loves, my need to create and my need of JUNK. I'm addicted to thrift stores, estate sales, flea markets and all roads leading off the beaten track to discover that perfect piece of junk. I recycle old license plates, old shovels, wheelbarrows, saw blades and anything else that's funky using my hand held plasma cutter. I love working with steel, sculpting, photography, watercolor painting, stained glass, and turning everyday utilitarian objects into art. Junked cars ~ I will always veer off the path to search out the beautiful wrecked Arroyo JunKers throughout Arizona, New Mexico and anywhere else the road may lead. When I'm not searching for those JunKers

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Sometimes all we need is a loving touch, a gentle word, a hand to help us up when we’re falling, or a friend to say “I’ll be there, just hold on”.  Sometimes those loving gestures come most unexpectedly from all the way across the sea and they save you that day and you can see through the clouds that there are still sunny days to share and smiles to be had and laughter to hear.  
Those loving gestures looked like this today
in these Five simple words placed in a healing bowl ~

Hope ~ Strength ~ Love ~ Peace ~ Balance
Barry and Fiona
your kindness and generosity for this beautiful gesture is beyond words.   

Jeff chose to carry HOPE in his pocket today.  STRENGTH will be in mine on Monday for a major procedure that will be happening.  We both thank you so very, very much!


Unknown said...

How very very beautiful. For tomorrow, I shall write the word 'healing' on a piece of paper and carry it with me for both of you. I think of you so very often, and hold you in my consciousness. Thank you for visiting my blog. It always amazes me when I see you have been there when I know what you are going through. Keep the faith. xodonna

Barry said...

SZQ - the love and vibes are still out here working for you. Peace. B

bohemiannie! art said...

I didn't think I'd missed any of your posts, but don't know what's going on in your life. I do know that you can count on my prayers for what they're worth. And, I think they're worth a lot.

Noela Mills said...

Hi there, S & J,
Sending you love and hope from another Maleny blogger XXX

Luthien Thye said...

my dear friend ... today i suddenly thought of you again. i'm taking a long break from everything, but i just wanted to come in here to tell you that i think of you often and am sending positive vibes your way ... stay strong, believe and everything will be fine :)

SooZeQue said...

I appreciate you all sharing your hearts and your prayers for us. My blog didn't exactly go the direction I had in mind this year. Don't waste a day telling those in your life how much you love them!

ArtPropelled said...

I've been thinking about you for days.
A healing bowl of inspiring words..... What a beautiful gift.

Bohemian said...

Powerful Words provide a Healing Touch when absorbed into our very Being. Prayers and Healing Energies still being sent your way. What a Wonderful Gift this was from Barry and Fiona!

Dawn... The Bohemian

Takin' the back road from Greer to Morenci was gorgeous. This was waiting at the end.

Takin' the back road from Greer to Morenci was gorgeous.  This was waiting at the end.
Alpine Cliff Jumper

Don't you just love bugs! My first car.... but RED.

Don't you just love bugs!  My first car.... but RED.
Lamy, NM

This was a great old Studebaker Truck in Lamy, NM . It has seen better days. I love Lamy,

This was a great old Studebaker Truck in Lamy, NM .  It has seen better days.  I love Lamy,
Studebaker in Lamy, NM