A dry channel through which water flows intermittently and irregularly. Kind of like this blog.

My art is an infectious need for me, sometimes a burden but most often a blessing.

This blog is about me and my obsessions, my loves, my need to create and my need of JUNK. I'm addicted to thrift stores, estate sales, flea markets and all roads leading off the beaten track to discover that perfect piece of junk. I recycle old license plates, old shovels, wheelbarrows, saw blades and anything else that's funky using my hand held plasma cutter. I love working with steel, sculpting, photography, watercolor painting, stained glass, and turning everyday utilitarian objects into art. Junked cars ~ I will always veer off the path to search out the beautiful wrecked Arroyo JunKers throughout Arizona, New Mexico and anywhere else the road may lead. When I'm not searching for those JunKers

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tonight is an exciting night for me.  My first showing ever in a Museum.  I feel a little guilty about this however.  I'm more of a "Closet Artist" -  I create my work and most of the time just think someone will stumble upon it.  Like what?  Walk thru your living room and backyard and notice all of it!  (that's me talking in the 3rd person).  Yes, I've done art shows and galleries, but I dislike what it actually takes to get into one of those.  That's truly the part of this business I hate.  Everyone wants a piece of your creativity.  I just don't know how to change or get around that.  My perception of what artists made before I become one was quite different than it is today.  You have to pay to be juried into a gallery, then pay to actually put your stuff in a gallery, then you have to pay 30% to 50% commission to the gallery when they sell something.  No wonder we are referred to as STARVING ARTISTS.  I guess that's why the price is so high for some art.  You've got to pay Peter, Paul & Mary before you get payed. 
 Oh well, it is what it is - What's nice about the Museum is I sent one email then they decided they wanted my stuff and they picked it up and will return it when their done.  If they sell it great if not.... one more item on the living room wall.  No Fee's, No Hassle, No Overhead.

What do the rest of you starving artists do about showing your work?

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Takin' the back road from Greer to Morenci was gorgeous. This was waiting at the end.

Takin' the back road from Greer to Morenci was gorgeous.  This was waiting at the end.
Alpine Cliff Jumper

Don't you just love bugs! My first car.... but RED.

Don't you just love bugs!  My first car.... but RED.
Lamy, NM

This was a great old Studebaker Truck in Lamy, NM . It has seen better days. I love Lamy,

This was a great old Studebaker Truck in Lamy, NM .  It has seen better days.  I love Lamy,
Studebaker in Lamy, NM