I've made it back safe and sound from my blacksmithing journey in Santa Fe, NM with Helmut Hillenkamp. I created some fun stuff and learned a whole lot more. Met some great folks and enjoyed having the opportunity to participate in this adventure. Thanks go out to Helmut for inviting me and being so generous with his time, tools and steel. I know I'll be able to use what I learned in my work ~ only wish I had that power hammer in the shop to make my life easier. Who knew I could make a hummingbird out of a steel pipe. That Power Hammer was quite the tool.
As much as I enjoyed these new experience and getting out of my routine I think the best part was coming back home and getting back to my routine. Life is funny that way.... I love to go and do fun and exciting things, but I always love coming home. It must be the adult version of a babies blanket ~ its warm and enveloping plus you can leave your dirty underwear lying around!
It's truly amazing what can be created with one single round bar of steel! Here is a gorgeous rose that was created by Christin Boyd with Fly Girl Iron. Each handmade forged Rose typically sells for $100 a piece. Husband if you read this..... I'll take a dozen of those any day of the week ~ don't forget I only need 11 more!